The fine folks at the Payne-Phalen District 5 Planning Council say they have no official opinion as a board about a proposal to privatize the city’s Como and Phalen golf courses, even though the issue “hits” close to home.
Why might that be? The short answer is no one has informed them of the plan, which will go before the St. Paul City Council next Wednesday.
And yes, that has them a bit “teed off.”
Here’s an email to the Scoop from Leslie McMurray, District 5 organizer:
District Five’s primary work is to help solicit public input on public projects and policies. We had heard nothing of this proposal to privatize the Phalen Golf Course until tonight. We know that the Como community was notified earlier. Why is that? It’s hard to understand this type of selective community notification. I dare say our community can justifiably be “teed off” at being the last to know. The Phalen Golf Course is a well-used asset in our community. We have no opinion yet because we were not yet notified of any proposed change.
… District Five does not feel this was appropriate notice to our community.
Leslie McMurray
Well, if it’s any consolation to District 5, the folks at the Como planning council said they only got wind of the news on Tuesday night of this week, and that was thanks to FOREwarning from Ramsey County Commissioner Janice Rettman.