The late, great newsman Jim Ragsdale was a Christmas baby, and he would have celebrated a fine birthday a few days ago, judging by the 140 or more "likes" on each family photo pasted to his Facebook page on Christmas Day.
Ragsdale passed away in November at the age of 64, leaving behind a resume that reads like a tour of Twin Cities major media establishments. Over the course of a decades-long career in Minnesota journalism, he worked for the Star Tribune, Minnesota Public Radio, the Pioneer Press and then the Star Tribune again.
He will also be remembered for regularly delivering the opening commentary on "Almanac," the public affairs show of Twin Cities Public Television. He was a dogged, determined reporter, tough but fair, compassionate but aggressive. His arrival in Minnesota in the 1980s coincided with that of the Hmong people, an immigrant group he chronicled at length.
He also helped write the clues for the annual Pioneer Press Treasure Hunt, and became well known for his colorful rendering of the administration led by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura.
Ragsdale was, unlike many in his profession, quick to share compliments with fellow journalists and even the competition when they did good. And he seemed to prefer it when everyone did good.
On Oct. 10, "Rags" -- as he was known to friends -- posted the following to his Facebook page:
"I say hooray for local journalism -- the kind that requires commitment and staff and skill, but which isn't often sexy or glamorous. Wait -- one of these stories IS sexy.
Three great local stories have made a difference -- the ST's (Star Tribune's) coverage of the Community Action audit and the achievement gap school board contract, and the PP's work on the Como Park concessionaire.All these stories dripped with politics; one even had a love (interest). They are three stories among many I could mention -- MPR has dazzled us with its coverage of bad priests -- and they wouldn't be covered without the interest of strong local news operations. Hooray!"
We will miss you, Mr. Ragsdale. The year 2015 awaits.
The post In memoriam: Jim Ragsdale, Dec. 25, 1949 - Nov. 18, 2014 appeared first on City Hall Scoop.